Psychology is a broad and diverse field that taps into different aspects of the mind and behaviour. For example, the studies of human thought processes, personality, psychopathology, social interaction, biological processes that influence the mind and behaviour, and how we grow, develop, and adapt at different life stages.
Many of Hong Kong’s challenges, as well as other global cities’ challenges in the future, are social in nature, including aging population, income and social inequality, public health, and social support for people left behind by economic dislocation. There is an urgent need of psychology and mental health professionals in Hong Kong.

Students are given opportunities to plan or design their experiential projects/research projects and apply psychology knowledge to solve real-life problems and reflect upon this experience.
Students are also given opportunities to work on advanced research in multi-disciplinary areas, involving two co-supervisors from subfields in psychology.

Psychology graduates are equipped with both technical and soft skills that different industries are looking for. Hence, they have the flexibility to go for a large variety of career options in both private and public sectors as well as at educational institutions. In addition, psychology graduates have the option to proceed to further studies in professional programmes at the postgraduate level, such as Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Counselling. Some graduates would pursue advanced research training in all related research areas of Psychology, including Cognitive Science and Neuroscience.