HKU is a great place to discover yourself and the world

Aastha Gaur is a recipient of the HKU Foundation Scholarship who is now pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences. The flexible programme structure and diverse study body have prompted her to choose to study at HKU. She regards the university as a great place for her to discover herself and the world.
"I am impressed by the interdisciplinary nature of my programme where I get the flexibility of choosing different courses that train me to think critically and analytically. I also meet friends from around the world, which enhances my cultural competence and global awareness. These are precious assets that are substantially beneficial to my future development."
"The courses at HKU are extremely inspiring. One of my favourites is called Sustainable Leadership which asks us to identify an issue on campus and come up with a working prototype to resolve the issue. In my group, our team chose the topic of food, where we came up with the idea of "Blue Plate", a meal planning service that delivers ingredients to students at a low cost. We even got the opportunity to pitch the idea at the HKU iDendron SEED programme as well as the 7th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition."
Aastha engaged in several internships in her first year of study. "I am glad that I could apply what I learnt in class, such as critical and analytical thinking skills, into my internships. Working at the Film Heritage Foundation in India, I was responsible for creating content for the cinematic history of the North-East Indian cinema."

"Back in Hong Kong, I played the role as a storyteller at the Centre of Development and Resources for Students and created content for different social media channels. Other than that, I joined the Shun Hing College's Design and Media team and acted as the Marketing and Publicity Officer for the HKU Vedas Heart and Soul Society, which aims at cultivating body-mind-spirit balance and ancient Indian Vedic culture."
Aastha strives to be an entrepreneur to address global issues. She believes HKU has equipped her with the critical thinking and decision-making skills necessary to make an impact on the world.