Interview Schedules

Note 1: In view of the large number of applicants, preference for interview invitation will be given to candidates who place the programme as their Band-A choice.

Note 2: If the programme has scheduled two interview sessions, candidates are normally required to attend one interview session only.

Students under the nominations of their school principals via JUPAS or the Home Affairs Bureau’s Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship Scheme, or with other experiences and achievements in competitions / activities, or applied to HKU's Sports Scholarship Scheme may be invited to attend a centrally coordinated interview in mid June, 2025.  Please note that you may also be invited to attend interview(s) by programme(s) you have chosen.



Faculty of Architecture
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6004 BA(AS)
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
Mid-June Late-July 
6016 BSc(Surv)
Bachelor of Science in Surveying
- -
6028 BA(LS)
Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies
  • Early-Feb
  • Early-June
6042 BA(US)
Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies


6236 BASc(Design+)
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+
Mid-June Late-July


Faculty of Arts
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6054 BA
Bachelor of Arts^
January - June July

6274 BA(GCIN)
Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries

January - July -

6286 BA(HDT)
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies

January - June July

6298 BA&BEng(AI&DataSc)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

January - July -

^Candidates with level 3 in HKDSE English Language and candidates with HKDSE result(s) achieved in non-2025 sitting (single or combined) may be interviewed. 



HKU Business School
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6755 BBA
Bachelor of Business Administration
June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6767 BEcon/BEcon&Fin
Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance
June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6781 BBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics
June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6793 BBA(BA)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics)
June  Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6808 BBA(Law)&LLB
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws


Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6846 BSc(MAT)
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology
June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6860 BFin(AMPB)
Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking
June  Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6884 BSc(QFin)
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
June  Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6896 BBA(IBGM)
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management
June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.


Faculty of Dentistry
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6107 BDS
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- July


Faculty of Education
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6066 BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English
- July 24 - 25 (Tentative)
6080 BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chin
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese
- July 24 - 25 (Tentative)
6092 BEd(ECE&SE)
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education
- July 24 - 28 (Tentative)
6119 BEd&BSc
Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science
- -
6157 BSc(SLP)
Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
June 16 - 20 July 24 - 28


Faculty of Engineering
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6303 BEng(Elite)
Bachelor of Engineering Elite Programme
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6315 BEng(DASE)
Bachelor of Engineering in Data and Systems Engineering*
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6339 BEng(ME)
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6353 BEng(CivE)
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6377 BEng X + MScEng AIE
Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6925 BEng(BME)
Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6937 GEBP
Global Engineering and Business Programme
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6987 BEng(CE/EE/ElecE)
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
May / June Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.

*Subject to Approval



Faculty of Law
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6078 BA&LLB
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Band A candidates, who marginally missed the expected score, will be invited to attend an interview scheduled between July 22 and 25, 2025.
6406 LLB
Bachelor of Laws
- Band A candidates, who marginally missed the expected score, will be invited to attend an interview scheduled between July 22 and 25, 2025.


LKS Faculty of Medicine
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6250 BASc(GHD)
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development
June 16 - 17 July 24
6418 BNurs-ALT
Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track
Mid-June Late-July
6456 MBBS
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
June 18 - 19 July 24
6468 BNurs
Bachelor of Nursing
Mid-June Late-July
6482 BChinMed
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine
June 19 - 20 July 24 - 25
6494 BPharm
Bachelor of Pharmacy
June 20 July 25
6949 BBiomedSc
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
Mid-June Late-July


Faculty of Science
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6688 SMC
Science Master Class
  • January
  • June / July
Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6858 BSc&LLB
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
  • January / February
  • July
Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.
6901 BSc
Bachelor of Science
- -


Faculty of Social Sciences
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6705 BPsych
Bachelor of Psychology
- -
6717 BSocSc
Bachelor of Social Sciences
- -
6731 BSW
Bachelor of Social Work
June 20 Late July
6810 BSocSc(Govt&Laws)&LLB
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws
- -
6822 BJ
Bachelor of Journalism
June 11 - 13 Selected applicants are ENCOURAGED to attend the interview before the release of HKDSE results. Priority will be given to applicants with outstanding performance in the interview.


School of Computing and Data Science
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6224 BASc(AppliedAI)
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence
- -
6248 BASc(FinTech)
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology
- -
6729 BSc(ActuarSc)
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
- -
6779 SDS
Statistical Decision Sciences*
- -
6999 CDS
Computing and Data Science*
- -

*Subject to Approval



School of Innovation
Study Programme Before Release of HKDSE Results After Release of HKDSE Results
6602 BSc(I&T)
Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Technology*
January - July -

*Subject to Approval