The scholarship information below pertains to the 2024 admissions, while details for the 2025 admissions are subject to modification.

Local students admitted to one of the following programmes through JUPAS with outstanding results in the 2024 HKDSE examination shall be awarded a one-off scholarship by the HKU Business School (Faculty of Business and Economics) to recognise their achievements.

* The Scholarship is applicable to local students admitted to one of the following programmes through JUPAS in 2024:
  • 6755 - Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
  • 6767 - Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance [BEcon/BEcon&Fin]
  • 6781 - Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics [BBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA)]
  • 6793 - Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) [BBA(BA)]
  • 6808 - Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws [BBA(Law)&LLB]
  • 6846 - Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology [BSc(MAT)]
  • 6860 - Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking [BFin(AMPB)]
  • 6884 - Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance [BSc(QFin)]
  • 6896 - Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management [BBA(IBGM)]
Scholarship Package
No. of 5** Achieved in the 2024 HKDSE
 (Category A Subjects)
Scholarship Amount
6 or above HK$250,000
5 HK$220,000
4 HK$170,000
3 HK$85,000
2 HK$25,000



  1. The HKDSE examination results are based on the year of admission only (i.e. 2024 sitting). Combined results from previous sitting(s) will not be considered.
  2. Extended modules 1 or 2 of Mathematics (M1/M2) will be counted as one subject.
  3. Alternative Chinese results will not be considered.
  4. The Scholarship shall be tenable for one year, and be disbursed in two equal installments respectively upon successful completion of the first and second semesters of the academic year 2024/25.
  5. For students who are eligible for receiving entrance scholarship(s) from the University at the same time, they will only receive ONE award from either the HKU Business School (Faculty of Business and Economics) or the University, whichever is of the higher value.

No application is required. Eligible students are automatically considered.


*Terms and conditions apply.