Nurturing the city's aspiring financial analysts

HKU encourages their students through the university's programmes and experiences to attain their aspiring careers. Oliver Delano is a second year undergraduate student, currently studying a Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance. Originally from Indonesia, but finishing his high school studies in Singapore, Oliver chose to come to HKU for its renowned world class education, paired with Hong Kong's vibrant atmosphere. He has since been on an exchange in Singapore, as well as joining one of HKU's newly formed societies.


During the winter of 2019, Oliver paired with the Singapore Attachment Programme, part of an HKU global career scheme to complete a research internship with Ecquitas in Singapore. Ecquitas is a Singapore-based financial services company, further exposing him to the financial sector in which he hopes to find a future career in. Through this experience, he was given various research tasks, further developing his interest in finance and future career options.


Oliver describes his HKU experience as eye-opening, being able to study in Hong Kong has immersed him in a culture very different to that of his home country, and has allowed him to interact with people from many different countries, cultures and backgrounds, something he "couldn't have experienced if he chose to stay in his home country." When asked whether he feels Hong Kong is a safe environment to study and live, Oliver says yes, as Hong Kong is renowned to have an extremely low crime rate, he feels safe and at ease going about his daily activities. He also states that despite the difficulty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the "Hong Kong government has been able to enact a measured, competent response to the pandemic", and feels reassured and safe to stay in Hong Kong.


Oliver hopes to work in the financial industry when he graduates, especially in equity research, covering the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry. He believes his undergraduate studies in HKU will equip him with pertinent skills needed to excel in such industries, as well as a unique, irreplaceable opportunity to explore a new culture and expand his horizons.

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