Programme Introduction
The aim of the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (BChinMed) programme is to nurture a new generation of Chinese Medicine professionals who are well equipped with knowledge in Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Being competent in clinical skills and life-long learning skills, they provide excellent Chinese Medicine healthcare service to the community and contribute the development of Chinese Medicine and integrative medicine in Hong Kong.

The 6-year programme covers:
- Chinese Medicine Foundation Courses
- Chinese Medicine Classical Texts Courses
- Chinese Medicine Clinical Courses
- Biomedical Sciences Courses (including western medicine bedside training)
- Disciplinary Elective Courses
- Field Trip and Chinese Medicine Dispensary Practicum
- Chinese Medicine Clinical Attachments, Junior Clerkship and Clinical Clerkship
- Common Core Curriculum Courses
- Language Enhancement Courses

Experiential learning is achieved by clinical attachment through which students are encouraged to apply the knowledge acquired in practical settings.
Students can widen their horizons and enrich their learning experience through the Chinese Medicine Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme.
They will also participate in a field trip through which they may learn more about indigenous traditional Chinese medicine herbs in the natural environment in Mainland China.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Chinese Medicine programme are eligible to apply for the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination in Hong Kong. Those who have passed the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination are qualified for registration as registered Chinese Medicine practitioners with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong.

Registered Chinese Medicine practitioners can seek employment in Chinese Medicine clinics in both public and private sectors or engage in private practice. They are also qualified to take up research and development posts in Chinese Medicine pharmaceutical trading and manufacturing companies, and biotechnology companies, or to work in managerial, marketing, sales, quality control in Chinese Medicine related businesses. Some may opt to pursue postgraduate studies or become academics in tertiary institutes.