Be an HKUer, be one of us! Don't forget to save the date for the HKU Information Day 2023 which will take place on October 28 (Saturday)! Secondary school students, teachers, and parents are all welcome to visit HKU to get the most updated programme and admissions information while experiencing our international learning environment. Register to get an Info Day souvenir*!

Info Day Activities Highlights:

  • Undergraduate admissions talks for JUPAS and non-JUPAS students
  • Exhibitions, learning facilities tours, interactive workshops, cutting-edge technology and experiment demonstrations, etc. by our 10 Faculties and student support units
  • Dual Degree Fair - programme admissions talks and information booth
  • Chance to tailor-make your exclusive tote bag*
  • Learn about the various opportunities from our residential halls and student support units
  • Interact with our academic staff and Student Ambassadors

Join us now! You will be able to get all the must-know information about studying at HKU and immerse yourself in the unique HKU culture and spirit!

Register here:

Undergraduate and dual degree programme admissions talks:

Other Faculties' programmes and activities:

*All souvenirs and the event-exclusive tote bags are on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts.

More Events
International Admissions Talk 2024
Be well-prepared for your university application with HKU! We are hosting an online talk tailored for students with international qualifications. By joining this session, you will:
HKU-UC Berkeley Dual Degree Programme Info Session
Our HKU-UC Berkeley Dual Degree Programme offers students a special opportunity to get immersed in a world-class academic experience by studying at two prestigious universities in Hong Kong and the US. Join us for the Programme Information Session to discover the endless possibilities as you delve into both universities' captivating application process, study opportunities, and more.
Career Aspiration at HKU 2024
HKU Dual Degree Programme Admissions Talk
We are happy to share with you that we have invited representatives from UC Berkeley and the University of British Columbia to join us on 10 October (Tuesday) for an information session about our d
HKU Scholarship Information Session
Discover HKU's Scholarship Opportunities at our Virtual Information Session!  Join us on 13 October for a virtual information session where you'll learn more about the application process, selection criteria, and tips from our scholarship recipients. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the HKU community, where endless opportunities await! 
HKU Open House in South Korea
We are glad to announce that an HKU Open House event will soon take place in South Korea! This event aims to showcase programmes from the HKU Business School, the Faculty of Arts, and the HKU-UCB Dual Degree programme. In particular, the HKU-UCB Dual Degree programme constitutes a unique opportunity for students to get immersed in a world-class academic experience at two globally renowned universities. Event participants may gather valuable insights into various programme structures and curriculums both universities offer while discovering the limitless opportunities available at HKU. 