The scholarship information below pertains to the 2024 admissions, while details for the 2025 admissions are subject to modification.

Supported by the Hong Kong government, this scholarship recognises outstanding students from participating Belt and Road countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Myanmar, among others.


As stated by Hong Kong Chief Executive during the 2018 policy address, Hong Kong is a prime platform and key link for the Belt and Road Initiative. With the government’s full support, HKU is gearing up to groom and nurture graduates with the expertise and commitment to build lasting links between their home communities and Hong Kong. The scholarship supports students from countries under the initiative for the duration of their studies at HKU.

Animated text of "Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Other Countries"

Eligible applicants must:

  1. Be a national of at least one of the participating Belt and Road countries
  2. Demonstrate proven contributions to their institution, community, or society
  3. Display good leadership and communication skills
  4. Have a strong interest in and commitment to the development of Hong Kong
Scholarship Package

Successful applicants will receive an entrance scholarship valued at the full tuition amount or higher for non-local students.


Students should provide supporting documents to prove their eligibility based on the criteria mentioned above. Shortlisted candidates may need to supply additional documents. The documents typically required by students include:

  • A one-page write-up on why they should be considered for the scholarship and their plans after graduation

  • Their latest CV (please also upload the relevant supporting documents, such as certificates)

  • A short paragraph about them related to each of the 4 areas below (4 short paragraphs in total):

    • Academic achievements

    • Contribution to institution/ society

    • Leadership and communication abilities

    • Interest in integrating into and contributing to Hong Kong society

    • (For Malaysian applicants only) interest in contributing to the Malaysian society and Malaysia-Hong Kong people-to-people relations

Students should upload the documents listed above to their online application account under the "HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Targeted Scholarship – Belt and Road Scholarships" section.

Interested students are strongly advised to submit an application via the HKU online application system, indicate their interest in this scholarship on their application form, and submit all supporting documents.

Application Deadline: 31 January, 2024


*Terms and conditions apply.