Do you like to solve real-world issues with scientific and mathematical solutions? If you have the analytical skills, technical skills, and creativity, Engineering might just be the discipline for you! Calling for all international students looking for English-taught Engineering degrees at HKU – join us on 5th October for an information session that will be held by our admissions staff and a current Engineering student from South East Asia! HKU Engineering is one of the 1st Engineering faculties in Asia, with a strong network of over 20,000 alumni! There are a range of disciplines offered that can allow you to explore your interest, with numerous enrichment opportunities to support innovation.  

27 Apr - 8 May 2024
Be an HKUer, be one of us!香港大學本科入學資訊日2023將於10月28日(星期六)舉行,歡迎中學生、老師及家長前來港大,了解最新的課程及入學資訊,體驗港大國際化的學習環境,深入認識港大。立即登記參與,即可獲贈資訊日紀念品*。
28 Oct 2023
📣香港大學要來台灣啦📣 各位台灣的家長和學生們,港大即將來台灣舉辦招生說明會,與各位面對面交流😊 今年港大招生處總監將親自來台,提供最詳盡的招生說明。講座將包含學測成績要求、申請的詳細流程等相關資訊,除此之外,我們也請到正在港大就讀的大二台灣學姐來到現場,分享她的申請經歷和多姿多彩的香港生活👍招生說明會內容精彩豐富期待,絕對不能錯過!
23 - 24 Sep 2023
HKU-UC Berkeley Information Session
Our HKU-UC Berkeley Dual Degree Programme offers a unique opportunity for students to study at two globally acclaimed universities, providing an enriching educational experience in both Hong Kong a
22 Sep 2023
生涯規劃在港大 2023
13 - 25 May 2023
HKU Scholarship Virtual Session
We are going to host a virtual session for students who are interested in knowing more about HKU’s scholarship offers. Our scholarship recipients will share with you some tips and technical skills on how to make applications as well as how the scholarships actually help them to pursue their studies in Hong Kong. Register now! Date: 23 December 2022 (Friday) Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm (HKT)
23 Dec 2022 | 4:30 - 6pm