Want to learn more about different faculties, programmes, and life at HKU, but not sure where to start? Join our Student Ambassadors Online Talk Series – Bite-sized Sharing, featuring engaging and insightful sessions hosted by our current high-achieving students, including top entrance exams scorers! They will share their experiences with HKU’s undergraduate programmes, admissions processes, and university life! You will also have the chance to chat with our students and even get some study tips for your upcoming exams!
今年活动将以「AI + Sustainability」为主题,展现港大致力于从不同范畴培育人工智能与相关方面的专业人才,并装备学生实现联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)所需的知识和技能。来宾亦可率先了解港大两所新学院——计算机与数据科学学院(School of Computing & Data Science)和创新学院(School of Innovation)所提供的极具前瞻性、紧贴市场发展的本科课程,为学生的未来职业导向提供跨学科的专业知识和学习体验。
HKU-UC Berkeley Dual Degree Programme Info Session
Our HKU-UC Berkeley Dual Degree Programme offers students a special opportunity to get immersed in a world-class academic experience by studying at two prestigious universities in Hong Kong and the US. Join us for the Programme Information Session to discover the endless possibilities as you delve into both universities' captivating application process, study opportunities, and more.
今年活动将以「AI + Sustainability」为主题,展现港大致力于从不同范畴培育人工智能与相关方面的专业人才,并装备学生实现联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)所需的知识和技能。来宾亦可率先了解港大两所新学院——计算机与数据科学学院(School of Computing & Data Science)和创新学院(School of Innovation)所提供的极具前瞻性、紧贴市场发展的本科课程,为学生的未来职业导向提供跨学科的专业知识和学习体验。
We are delighted to host the HKU Taiwan Open House in early October. Explore opportunities at HKU through our engaging admissions events! Learn about the 2025 undergraduate application processes and standards. Don't miss out on our Admissions Talk, student sharing, and more.
Date: October 5 (Saturday), 2024
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Venue: Elegance Lounge, 4/F, Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Details and registration: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cA7MMujKIaj0BAG
HKU will be organizing JUPAS Information Sessions for JUPAS applicants on May 16 - 17, 2024 (Thu - Fri). This 2-day event will provide JUPAS applicants with the chance to receive the most recent updates on programmes and admissions information from various faculties. Additionally, there will be student sharings, mock lectures, and lab visits available during the sessions.